“A good half of every treatment that probes at all deeply consists in the doctor’s examining himself, for only what he can put right in himself can he hope to put right in the patient.”

— Carl Jung.

Therapy for Therapists

Why Invest in Your Own Therapy?

I believe there is significant benefit to having a lived experience of both sides of the therapeutic process. Simply because we can only take others as far as we have travelled and processed ourselves.

Orienting towards ourself and our own wounds allows more resource and spaciousness to draw on in the work with others. It also reduces the potential for risk of harm associated with our personal blind spots.

After personally benefitting from all approaches I draw on in different ways, I am in turn passionate about providing a specific space for other therapists to reflect on their own self-in-relations, histories and ongoing impacts (both positive and difficult).

Why Invest Trust in Me to Assist Your Process?

My return to private work in 2020 was in response to challenges other therapists were experiencing finding their own therapists who could draw on advanced and/or novel approaches to those that they themselves were already competent in and using. Therapy for therapists then became the focus of the services I offer and a source of much enrichment and purpose alongside my public health work.

I have developed in to an integrative therapist following my own experiences of benefits and limitations to healing when working restrictively within one particular treatment approach. Working in a integrative way allows me to provide a tailored response as well as fluidly pivot in the work depending on the preferences and needs that emerge in the process.

While drawing on many different attachment and trauma specific psychotherapies, I have safeguarded against “watering down” the individual effectiveness of any one approach by committing to extensive ongoing professional development, high quality supervision and formal assessment of my work. This aims to ensure each therapy is being delivered to an advanced and highly competent level.

I am also trained in a number of trauma specific approaches where it is not necessary for me to know the details of what has caused impact. I also don’t need for us to engage in extended “talk-based” work if this creates a barrier or has been exhausted previously without the desired outcomes.

“Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries.”

— Carl Jung.

Reach out today.